New ACFT Score Chart 2022

ACFT Score Chart

If you are looking for the latest update on the new ACFT Score Chart you have come to the right place. Not only will have the most up-to-date Score Chart but it will always be downloadable and printable. Please feel free to use all the FREE resources available on the site. All we ask is you share with your friends.  Enjoy!

ACFT Score Chart 2022

Below you will see the new ACFT score chart for 2022. You will find the minimum and maximum scores for each event. Pick the ACFT event, then cross-reference your age and gender to see your ACFT standards for all 6 events. Enjoy.

New ACFT Score Chart 2022
ACFT Score Chart 2022 – Reference:

New ACFT Score Chart 2022 PDF

Implementation of New ACFT Score Chart (2022)

Implementation of New ACFT Score Chart (2022)
Implementation of New ACFT Score Chart (2022) – Reference:

ACFT Scorecard 2022

ACFT Score Card 2022 New
ACFT Scorecard 2022

ACFT Scorecard PDF (2022 Score Card)

DA FORM 705 – APR 2022

ACFT Scorecard New DA 705 Army PT.pdf

DA FORM 705 – APR 2022

ACFT Score Chart by EVENT

  • Deadlift
  • Standing Power Throw
  • Hand Release Push Up
  • Sprint Drag Carry
  • Plank
  • 2 Mile Run

Plank ACFT Score Chart – New 2022

Max Deadlift ACFT Score Chart – New 2022

Standing Power Throw ACFT Score Chart – New 2022

Hand Release Push Up ACFT Score Chart – New 2022

Sprint Drag Carry ACFT Score Chart – New 2022

2 Mile Run ACFT Score Chart – New 2022

ACFT Score Chart – Alternate Events

New ACFT Score Chart Standards Explained (2022)

YouTube Channel:

The 6 events on the ACFT Score Chart:

1) The 3 Repetition Maximum Deadlift (MDL) Score Chart
3 rep max deadlift ACFT Army Standards Score Chart

Soldiers move to the lane with a hex bar loaded with the soldier’s target weight for the three repetition maximum deadlift event. A grader takes a soldier scoring card DA Form 705. On the command of “get set” the soldier steps into the bar and assumes the straddle stance with ankle centered inside the hex bar and aligned with the midpoint of the hex bar handles the soldier will bend at the knees and hips reaching down to grasp the center of the handles.

Arms should be straight, back flat, head in line with the spine or neck. Slightly extended and feet flat on the floor. Any preparatory movements are performed at this point to include; setting shoulder, hand, and foot positions.

While firmly gripping the bar and while keeping the spine straight the soldier will straighten the knees hips and trunk lifting the weight until reaching an upright stance. After a short pause in the  upright position, the soldier lowers the weight under control until it rests on the ground. This movement is repeated two more times to complete the event. If the soldier fails to lift three times successfully, he or she will move to a lighter weight for one more attempt.

(picture by: click here for more info)

2) The Standing Power Throw (SPT) Score Chart

Standing Power Throw ACFT Army Standards Score Chart

Start the exercise in the straddle stance holding a weighted ball in both hands. Face away from the direction of the throw. The grader checks that both of the soldier’s feet remain behind the start line throughout the event. The grader checks that the lane is clear and the score is ready. The soldier performs several preparation movements prior to throwing the ball.

These movements may include flexing the knees and hips, while lowering the ball towards the ground before moving it overhead. While firmly gripping the ball, forcefully extend the legs and trunk and arms before throwing the ball backwards over the head.

The soldier’s feet may leave the ground but they cannot cross the start line the start line. The zero point on the tape measure is positioned and from there the throw is measured. After one practice throw, the soldier repeats the throw two more times. The longest throw counts for record.

(picture by: click here for more info)


Hand Release Push Up t- Push Up ACFT Army Standards Score Chart

A starting position for the hand release push up is the prone position with hands flat on the ground beneath the shoulders. Feet will be together or up to boot width apart. The head will be off the ground, arms may be away from the trunk. On the command “go” the first movement performed is a push up from the ground and to the front leaning rest position. This movement ends when both elbows are fully extended, The legs and the trunk must leave the ground at the same time as one unit The legs, trunk and head must remain in a straight line throughout the exercise. The second movement is a return to the starting position.

The third movement is the hand release. Without moving the head, body or legs. The soldier will lift both hands from the ground at the same time a clear gap between the palms and the ground must be visible to the grader. So that the greater knows that the soldier has released his or her hands from the ground, The fourth movement occurs as the hands returned to the ground under the shoulders. This fourth movement completes one repetition of the hand release push-up.

(picture by: click here for more info)

4) The Sprint-Drag-Carry (SDC) Score Chart

Sprint Drag Carry ACFT Army Standards Score Chart

On the command of “go” the soldier moves quickly from the prone starting position to sprint down to the turnaround line. At the turnaround line the soldier must touch at, or beyond the line with a hand before sprinting back to the start line too complete the first lap. The second lap is a backward drag of a 90 pound sled.

At the start line the soldier grasps the sled strap handles and moves backwards quickly down to the turnaround line at the turnaround line the whole sled must cross the line before the soldier is allowed to move back to the start line. The third lap is the lateral. The same exercise performed in military movement drill one. The soldier will move to the left, going out on the lap, and to the right when coming back.

SDC Continued…

The soldier must remain slightly crouched with the hands positioned palms out in front of the chest. The soldier’s feet must not cross, and must remain parallel to each other and perpendicular to the direction of travel. The soldier can move quickly. Bounding from the ground but must maintain hand and feet positions at the turnaround line. The soldier must touch the line with the left hand before performing the lateral to the right to return to the start line. The fourth lap is a loaded carry with a 40 pound kettlebell in each hand.

The soldier moves quickly down the lane before touching the turnaround line with either the left or right foot. The soldier returns to the start line with the kettlebells; Placing, not dropping them on the ground to complete the fourth lap. The fifth and final lap is a sprint. Touching with either hand at the turnaround line before sprinting back to complete the 250 meter event. Soldiers times are taken as they cross the line.

(picture by: click here for more info)

5) The Plank Event (PLK) Score Chart

The PLK assesses the Muscular Endurance component of fitness by measuring a Soldier’s core strength and endurance. Balance is a secondary component of fitness assessed by the PLK.

6) The 2 Mile Run Event Score Chart

The 2 Mile run event will be conducted in the same fashion as all Army 2 Mile Run events.

2 mile run ACFT Army Standards

Army ACFT Score Tips – Get to the TOP of the Chart

  • Alaimoana Paunga Jr. from Poly Physiques
  • “How To Train And Score High On The ACFT” – Made by Junior – Poly Physiques:
  • YouTube Channel: Poly Physiques

This video was made and is presented by Junior from Poly Physiques, a Soldier who successfully passed the ACFT testing. Actually, his score was pretty amazing. As we can see in the video, he passed the test with scoring maximum points on almost all of the events, except for the Two Mile Run event. That is actually a great score! Congratulations man!

Now, he wants to share his tips and tricks with everyone who is interested in passing the ACFT. He included in the video some useful stuff that can be helpful for you guys. 

Junior begins with an explanation of the ACFT Scoring chart.

He explained what those numbers in the chart actually means. In a few words, it is important to understand that there are maximum points for all candidates, and minimum points for every MOS category that you belong to.

After that, he explained every event included in the ACFT. This is an important part, because every single event of the ACFT is explained thoroughly:

Poly Physiques’ on ACFT Score Chart and Each Event

  1. Deadlift: The first event is the deadlift. As you can see on the ACFT Score Chart, the maximum points are for lifting 340 pounds, and the minimum score depends on your category based on your MOS. To do this event right, you have to be positioned in the middle of the bar so you can grab the bar in the center to have a perfect balance. Then, you should do 3 reps, pick it right up, come down, drop, then pick it right back up. This is an untimed event, so you can take your time to prepare well.
  2. Standing Power Throw: This is also an untimed event. There are 16 lanes on the ground in front of you and each lane is about 25 meters long, It’s simple, just take the 10 pounds medicine ball, stand at the base of the line with your back facing the lanes, and throw the ball backwards over your head. As Junior said “The key is not to go high but more towards the direction”. So, pay attention to throwing the ball in a straight line as much as you can, not as high as you can, to get a bigger distance for the throwing.
  3. Hand release push-ups: This is the first timed event, so you’ll have 2 minutes to complete it. Lower your body to the ground, lay on your chest, then spread your arms sideways to form a “T”. The rest of it is the same as the regular push-up. Continue with doing push-ups as much as you can.
  4. Spring-Drag-Carry: “One of the harder events in my opinion”, as Junior says. And it really is. This is a timed event and your speed will be crucial! There are 5 moves that you have to complete continually: 

JR’s Explains ACFT Score Standards for the SDC

Sprint: You will start at the base of the line and sprint to the end at about 25 meters, touch the base of the line and then sprint back to where you started,

Sled drag: As soon as you finish with the sprint, you should immediately continue towards the straps of the sled. The sled weight is 90 pound. You should get the straps and start with the dragging the sled backwards all the way to the base line. Then, you should turn around the cone and head back. Keep dragging the sled until you reach the baseline from where you started,

Shuffle – Which is moving sideways with your feet without crossing in the front or in the back of your feet. It’s running sideways up and down the 25 meters field. And here is a good tip from Junior: “It doesn’t matter which direction you face as long as you face the same direction on your way down to 25 meter and back, so you can work both sides of your legs”,

 Kettlebell carry – Pick up the 40 pounds kettlebells and sprint down the 25 meter marker as fast as you can, then sprint all the way back. Also, we have a good tip from Junior: “Instead of leaving your hands extended and dangling the way around, it’s gonna slow you down, I recommend to use your biceps to kinda pick up the weight to help you stabilize your movement as you sprinting down as fast as you can”,

Sprint – This is the fifth and final movement for this event. You need to sprint up and down the 25 meters yard again to complete this event. 

Last 2 Events on the ACFT Score Chart

  • Leg Tuck: Start this event with mounting on the bar. Get a good grip, then, get your feet off the ground and start lifting your knees up to touch your elbows. For this event Junior recommends: “You can keep your arms extended, or you can bend at the elbow and use your biceps to kinda stabilize yourself from swinging”. 
  • Two Mile Run: “By far my least favorite event of it all, because I hate running”, Junior said. Well, you can’t like them all, nobody is perfect, right? Anyway, the point is that you should run two miles as fast as you can. Just be sure that you can run faster than the minimum time required according to the ACFT Scoring Standards for your MOS.

That was a detailed explanation of all the ACFT events by Junior. Then, he shares some good exercises that can help you to prepare yourself for the ACFT events.

More Tips on Scoring BIG for the ACFT

  • Deadlift – For this event you can exercise on The back extension machine, or similar platforms that you have in your gym. You lock your heels under a pad or roller, with another pad to support your lower body as you recline face-down. Once you feel ready, you can use extra weights for this exercise by holding weights tight to your chest while doing this exercise. 
  • Standing Power Throw – Take dumbbell or kettlebell. Then, lie down on the bench only with your back supported by the bench and with your legs bended and your feet placed on the floor. Next, lift the weight and hold it up with your arms extended. Last, swing the bell over and behind your head with your arms extended all the time.
Score Big on ACFT Score Chart
Poly Physiques YouTube Channel
  • Hand release push ups – For this event you can prepare yourself with doing The Arnold press. Start with your dumbbells positioned in front of your face, then pull them up until your hands are fully extended, and then bring them right back in your starting position. As Junior says: “From experience, you are not only gonna be using your chest muscles, but you are gonna be using your shoulder muscles and you are gonna be super tired, so this is gonna help you improve”

Last 2 Tips for Increasing Your ACFT Score Standards

  • Sprint-Drag-Carry – Every exercise for improvement of your legs strength, like squats or lunges is suitable for your preparation. But, Junior says that the real thing you will need for this are your hip flexors. His favorite exercise is the leg raises. To do it, you need to lie down on the ground with your arms positioned under your lower back, keep your legs fully extended and then start raising them up towards your chest. 
  • Two mile run – To prepare for this event, Junior recommends: “Incorporate sprints in your regular workout or training regimes, hill sprints, interval sprints on the track, but you can also do light pole sprints during your run days”.     

That’s it guys. Thanks to this video I hope that preparing for the ACFT will be easier. And, also I hope that you will achieve great results on the test.

ACFT Standards by MOS (OLD)

As we should all know. Standards by MOS are not a thing. I kept this chart up for kick and giggles. We can all sit back and laugh about losing a real test with real standards. Sad…

MOS Army Standards Score Chart pdf Download
Info from:

How to Perform Events on the ACFT Score Chart

How to Perform Events on the ACFT Score Chart MP3

The OLD (2020) ACFT Score Chart Video

YouTube Channel:

The OLD (2020) ACFT Score Chart

Hey guys, this video is about the ACFT Score and ACFT Scoring Standards. The first thing you need to know is that now the ACFT scoring is based only on your MOS. Previously, your gender and age were significant for the ACFT scoring, but now it’s ACFT Scoring by MOS, and the only thing that is taken into consideration is your MOS.

Now, based on your MOS, you have three different ways to score: heavy, significant and moderate. The ACFT score will always depend on what classification you’re in. In case you do not know what classification you are in, there is a calculator on my website for your help. You just need to type your MOS and the calculator will show you what classification you are in.   

Therefore, I will explain to you what every MOS specific means:

  Moderate is the lowest level;ACFT Score Chart - Moderate

  Significant is the mid-range;ACFT Score Chart - Significant

  Heavy means that your ACFT score would be the hardest;ACFT Score Chart - Heavy

These numbers show just the minimum ACFT scores you’ll need to get based on what classification you are in. On the top of the table are the ACFT’s maximums. The maximums are relevant for every category without taking into consideration the age, gender or MOS of the candidate.

Here is an example: Significant

Furthermore, I would like to explain a little bit more about the MOS scoring categories. I will take the mid-range Significant level and use it as an example for you guys.

Let’s just say that you belong to the Significant category based on your MOS. These are the maximum and minimum scoring points for this MOS category:

  • Deadlifts – As you can see from the table, in this column the maximum score is 340 pounds and your minimum score should be 180 pounds for 3 reps.
  • Standing power throw – In this column the maximum score is 12.5 meters, and your minimum score should be 6.5 meters.
  • Hand release push ups – In this column the maximum score is 60 reps, and your minimum score should be 20 reps.
  • Sprint-drag carry – In this column the maximum scoring time is 1 minute and 33 seconds, and your minimum scoring time should be 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
  • Leg tuck – In this column the maximum score is 20 reps, and your minimum score should be 3 reps.
  • 2 mile run – And in this last column the maximum score is 13 minutes and 30 seconds, and your minimum score should be 19 minutes.

OLD ACFT Score Chart Standards- 2019

I will leave the old score chart up for viewing and comparing purposes. It will be deleted in the near future:

New army pt test score chart-ACFT-Army combat fitness test.pdf

ACFT Army Standards Score Chart Old PDF
New Army PT Test Score Chart – ACFT – Army Combat Fitness Test

Download Score Chart PDF:

Biggest changes to the ACFT Score Chart in 2020

Just click on the link or picture below for more info:

ACFT Score Chart PDF

ACFT Score Chart

Click to Enlarge 

ACFT Score Chart 2020 – New Updated ACFT Score Chart.PDF

ACFT Score Chart 2019 –  OLD ACFT Score Chart.PDF

Entire Post – Entire Post ACFT Score Chart.pdf

That Wraps it up for the ACFT Score Chart. If you have any questions contact us at

FAQ on ACFT Score Chart

What is a Good Score on the ACFT?

A Good Score on the ACFT is anything above 60 points for EACH EVENT – A total of 360 points
See Chart Below:
Passing Score = 60 points
Best Score = 100 points.

New ACFT Score Chart 2022